Nathan May

Nathan May

Product & Development Manager


B.Sc, M.Sc (Tech) Masters in Science and Technology from the University of Waikato (1991)

Nathan has been involved in the electronic industry since 1990 where he started as a research associate for Gallagher Group. After completion of his Masters which involved researching communications system on electric fences. Nathan joined Gallagher Group fulltime as a project engineer doing electronic design of agricultural electric fence systems, working with a range of micro-processor technologies. From 1997-1999 Nathan worked in the medical imagining area for GE Medical Systems as a customer service engineer, then went to ETS Instruments where he worked once again as a project engineer developing vehicle monitoring and data logging equipment. Nathan joined TCS in 2001 as a product development team leader and has been a key member of the team in all TCS product and technology development since then. Most recently, as TCS’s Product and Development Manager, he has lead the company’s development of SplashTec, a division of TCS, which offers digital display solutions for a variety of sectors including education, commercial and retail. He has also been an integral part of another offshoot of TCS, Ata Touch, which is pioneering an integrated home automation energy-saving system.
